Discover the world outside with pristine clarity. Our window cleaning service ensures a spotless gleam for your home or business.
Tired of peering through grimy windows? We're here to restore the brilliance of your home. With our specialized team, expect nothing less than exceptional shine.
You can count on our 30‑year legacy to deliver clear results with a personal touch.
You can enjoy the comfort of our professional, courteous, and dedicated service for your peace of mind.
Experience our five-star cleaning at a reasonable cost and enjoy the view with peace of mind.
“Alex did our windows and did a great job and was very engaging. Felt comfortable leaving him alone in our home while we were away.”
High-Quality Window Cleaning
Clean windows make all the difference in keeping your home or business looking its best. Our professional window cleaners handle everything from homes to high rises, ensuring your window panes are spotless and clear. Let the natural light shine through your space with our thorough window washing services, which include our Standard Cleaning or our more in-depth Premium Service that adds cleaning your window sills, frames, tracks, and screens. Still, have some hard water spots after a basic cleaning? Ask about our Glass Restoration Service to tackle those stubborn stains!
Our local window cleaners provide reliable, efficient service for commercial properties, including high-rise buildings. We clean all the windows to maintain your business's aesthetic appeal, ensuring you always get the best window cleaner results.
Experience the ultimate transparency with our meticulous cleaning process.
Join the community of satisfied customers who trust us with their views.
Choose a service that cares for the environment as much as for your windows.
Specialized Cleaning and Restoration Services
Gutter Cleaning
Our gutter cleaning service ensures your gutters are clear of debris, preventing water damage and maintaining your home’s structural integrity.
High Dusting
We provide high dusting services to remove dust and allergens from hard-to-reach areas, keeping your space clean and healthy.
Glass Restoration
Our glass restoration service removes water spots, and minor damage, restoring your glass surfaces to their original clarity.
Roof Cleaning & Moss Control
When moss is built up, we agitate it with a brush and air blow it before we treat it with moss treatment. Regularly treating for moss protects your roof from damage, preserves the roof's lifespan, and improves your home's aesthetic.
Pressure Washing
We use advanced pressure washing techniques to clean driveways, patios, and building exteriors, removing grime and restoring cleanliness.
Awning Cleaning
Our awning cleaning service removes debris and cleans dirt and mildew, preserving the longevity and appearance of your outdoor coverings.
When you choose Windom for your window cleaning needs, rest assured that excellence is our goal. If you're not completely delighted with our service, we'll return to make it right. Trust us to bring the sparkle back to your windows with peace of mind set in stone.
Since 1992 we have been delivering pristine views with our expert window cleaning services. Embrace the beauty outside your window with our trusted, streak-free touch!